Uncle Bernard, Aunty Hazel, Aunty Melissa and Mummy. And of course, Uncle Marcus is the camera man.
It's been another eventful year. Mummy has finally gone through all 4 seasons in China. Hmmm, boy was she glad... Imagine her now in clothes, shoes and bags of different seasons... Of course, imagine how the size of her wardrobe has grown after going to Shanghai... Her favourite season is winter. Nice weather to hibernate... Nice clothes and boots...Nice fair and good complexion... Ironically, that's Daddy's most hated one. So now, Daddy is braving winter alone in Shanghai with temperatures in the day of about 5-10 degrees and around 0 degrees at night. Yeeee, wonder if I will be like Daddy or Mummy, cos when I go back to Shanghai after CNY, it's the coldest time.
2007 has been a good year for Mummy (of course, not to mention that there are also some ups and downs). Most importantly, this year, she took on 2 big projects... Project Goliath (the name of the US IPO Mummy was working on) and Project B.
- Project Goliath revolved around an online gaming (Nope, not gambling but online games) company which launched the game 征途, one of China's most popular online games. Mummy has been working on it since April and it finally got listed in the NYSE on 2 Nov 2007. It's been a tough time, working on this project and having me at the same time. There were many nights where Mummy had to stay up late together with the other members of the working group until the wee hours of the night to wait for clearances from the EY New York office or SEC in the US. But I know it's been a good experience for Mummy as she learnt many new things on this project. Luckily, this got listed before I was born. Mummy was still worried that I will be born the same day as their listing prospectus.
- Project B is the other big project Mummy participated in. Anyone knows what's that? She and Daddy decided to have me. Project B was relatively tough as Daddy and Mummy were away from home in Singapore, so they were constantly worried whether the food they consumed, the air they breath etc, in Shanghai will affect me. Mummy even bought an air purifier to put in her office after one of her bosses came by and said he thought he could smell the printing cartridges' smell around Mummy's room (oh, the printing room is on the same floor Mummy sits on). Thank goodness, I came out good and healthy. And Project B doesn't just end here when 2007 ends, it's only the start when Mummy delivered me on 15 Nov 2007 and will continue on for as long as she lives... Mummy had her fair share since my birth, when she had to deal with cleaning up poo and pee for the 1st time, sleep 4 hours a night (ie broken sleep), carrying me for prolonged period of time (Mummy's hand ache as a result, and also I kicked hard...). It's a total new experience Mummy is having now.
Daddy's New Year Resolutions
It's a New Year! And Year 2008 looks to be all exciting with little Matthias in the family. Like Mummy, Daddy is looking forward to spending more time with the family. So Daddy's resolution for this year is to be more efficient at work so that he can come home on time everyday.
In this New Year, Daddy hopes to be able to impart the right values to little Matthias even as he starts to discover the world around him. It's going to be a fulfilling year ahead, so Mummy and little Matthias, brace yourselves for this exciting journey!
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