Second Day @ Sparkletots...

It was my second day @ Sparkletots today. I made a real good start by walking on my own all the way to and fro Sparkletots. It was also a better day.

Here's a session whereby the teachers taught on sea creatures. They actually brought live crabs into class. I actually held one crab (of course, it is tied up!), but Mummy did not manage to capture that shot.

Here's a colouring of another sea creature - a fish...

During the play session, Mummy thinks I was being naughty, cos I had collected all the cars and refused to let other kids play with them.

We had a gym session later this afternoon and I learnt to balance myself whilst walking along a narrow bench.

Today, I even had the chance to feed myself today during lunch and tea time, after seeing other kids in class feed themselves. I had spaghetti and apple for lunch. The spaghetti is so yummy that I helped myself to another helping. Considering it was my first day trying to feed myself, Mummy thinks I have done a very good job...

I managed to take a nap after lunch @ Sparkletots...