Our Little Princess, Lil' Shannon

It's been a week since Mummy had the time to sit down to update my blog again... Trying to adapt to be a mother of two is definitely not easy, especially at times when I refused to be pacified by anyone other than Mummy. Imagine the scene of Mummy running back and forth to Shannon and myself when we take turns making noises. That was exactly what happened yesterday evening when I came home from Sparkletots, down with a running nose and refused to be pacified by anyone else except for Mummy...

Anyways, Mummy thinks it's time to start training Shannon on a routine. For several nights now, she has been able to sleep for a straight six hours without waking up for milk... Cross our fingers - Let's hope this carries on, cos Mummy doesn't want to spend a first three months being a panda, sleeping only 3-4 hours a day, just like what she did for me. Shannon's definitely smaller milk-drinker than me, so Mummy now has quite a bit of milk stored away in the fridge, that she started giving them to me too...

Shannon's been sleeping a lot for the first two weeks, only started to be more awake these few days. Today, whilst she slept away the morning s Mummy slinged her to the ICA to collect her passport and then to the China Embassy to apply for a visa, she has kept herself awake for the entire afternoon up to now (Haha, that's why Mummy has some time to blog...)

Here's our little princess...