I Am 22 Months Old...

Time certainly flies. I am already 22 months. My vocabulary has improved tremendously in the last 2 months plus since we returned to Singapore.

  1. New English words include: ok, big, girl, boy, blue, there, star, robot, pear, wolf, bee, uncle, auntie, call, hello, school, yes, no, deer, bus, come
  2. New English phrases include: One more, no more, big cup, big cupboard, throw away
  3. New Chinese words include: 爷爷,奶奶,姐姐,哥哥,姨姨,好,怕,下,还有,还要,包包,抱抱,走,盖,笔,画,拿,给,要,车,大,煮,骂
  4. Can count 1,2 and 4 in Chinese
  5. Hum along and singing the chorus "Yipee Ya Ya, Yipee Yipee Ya..."