I Am 10 Months Old...

Finally, Mummy sees a double digit in my "age", concides with the Mooncake Festival over this weekend...

Here's some milestones that I have reached at 10 months:

  • Waves goodbye

  • Picks things up with pincer grasp

  • Crawls well, with belly off the ground (Now crawls all over the house, even to weird corners and under tables and chairs)

  • Says "mama" and "dada" to the correct parent (Unfortunately, Matt is still unable to do this yet)

  • Indicates wants with gestures

  • Stands alone for a couple of seconds (Matt can stand for a relatively long time unassisted now)

  • Puts objects into a container (includes throwing balls that we give to him)

Some shots Mummy took at my 10th month routine check up