My Third Try at Solids...

Mummy learnt more lessons yesterday at her 2nd attempt to feed me solids.

Further steps she took today:

  1. Mix the 15ML of cereal with less milk (ie 40ML), so it is less runny and reduces spillage

  2. Let me "wear" a super HUGE bib that Mummy bought yesterday. Mummy figured this was really useful as it helps to serve 2 purposes. One, to prevent the milk from dripping onto my clothes and second, as the sleeves are still too long for me, it prevents me from eating my fingers during the meal. However, it just gets on my nerves as I couldn't figure out why I can "see" my fingers yet not be able to "eat" them. Daddy and Mummy were grinning away at the side. Haha...

Finally, Mummy had some success in feeding me.