The Three Little Pig-Lets...

Mummy got to know many mummies on the Singapore Motherhood forum for Nov 2007 babies and got very good support on babies' stuff. There are 2 other babies born on the same day as me - 15 November 2007. So the 3 mummies decide to call us the "Three Little Pigs" (now still piglets since we are still so small)... Here we are on show...

Big Brother, Kiros... His mummy says his name has an African origin and means King... He's born at 0011 Hours...

Second Brother, Garreth. Born at 1602 Hours. We had the same gynae, Dr Chan and were both delivered at Gleanagles Hospital. Hmmm, we might have been neighbours in the babies' room. Haha...

So that made me the youngest as I was born at 1901 Hours, after a 15 hours struggle in Mummy's stomach, trying to come out to see the world fast with my face facing front, but end up getting stuck in that position...