Mummy's 1st Day Back at Work

It was Mummy's first day back at work yesterday. To prepare for the day, she woke up at 630am to express her milk and then woke me up to feed me at 7am. She managed to slot in 30 minutes to play with me after that, since I am usually in the best of moods at that time in the morning after all the sleep and feeding and change of diapers.

Mummy had a busy day at work, with a few meetings, which outlined the projects she needed to work on, going forward. She missed her "expressing of milk" session by 2 hours as she was stuck in a meeting. And when she finally does, she realised on her way home that she had not screwed the VIA lid on tightly and more than 50% of the milk has spilled. Mummy was so upset...

As it was my 1st day spending so much time without Mummy with me, she decided that she should come home early to at least spend a little time with me before my bedtime at 8 plus. However, I was in a cranky mood. Mummy wonders whether it is because I missed her or cos I am too tired. Mummy's sad that she now can't spend as much time with me as she is back to work. I am sad too...