I Am "Slightly" over 9 Months Old...

Hmmm, all of you must be wondering why this post is titled with the word "slightly". Daddy and Mummy went on a trip without me... to Yunnan, the place which we always hear about excellent scenery (sob sob...) Check out their photos in the next post... The weather was harsh (ie vast difference in temperature between the day and nights) and both Daddy and Mummy fell sick. It definitely affected Mummy's milk supply for me. Now, she is wondering if she can still fulfill the target of one year total breastfeeding for me... Sigh, it was a dilemma for Mummy. A trip to beautiful Yunnan vs going there and fall sick and ending up with decreased milk supply. Mummy is feeling so guilty now... But the good news is, I am also now more interested in solids (hmm, the delicious porridge that 婆婆 cooks, I can finish one rice bowl worth of porridge for each meal of lunch and dinner). So I think Mummy's "hidden" storage in the freezer may still be able to last me another 2.5 months.... Fingers crossed...

I have definitely made huge progress whilst Daddy and Mummy were gone for 8 days... When they left, I can only:

  • Stand for 15 seconds without support
  • Attempt to reach out to the coffee table in the living room to try to stand up (but sadly, never suceeded)
  • Attempt to cruise whilst holding onto the railings of my cot (did successfully moved a few steps with Daddy "fishing" my interest with toys etc)
  • Crawl a bit (but still prefer to stand up)
  • Slowly moving from a crawling position to a sitting position
Now after 8 days, I can:
  • Stand for 30 seconds and still wave my hands and smile in excitement
  • Take 5 to 10 seconds to reach out to the coffee table from a sitting position and successfully stand up
  • Freely cruise from one side of the cot to the other side (and even attempt to tip toe to reach out... Ooops, time to lower my cot position)
  • Freely crawl towards toys, table, sofa etc (even attempt to crawl out to the balcony)
  • Freely move from a crawling position to a sitting position

As provided by the BabyCenter Medical Advisory Board

Unfortunately, Matt is still unable to accomplish the last 2, but it's ok. Every child has their own path and time for their development...