My Recent Developments...

I am developing so quickly that Mummy has a hard time to keep up with my developments...

1. Walking with a walker

As Mummy has posted on this blog a couple of weeks ago, I have started "walking" with a walker. On crazy days, I keep pushing the walker and walk non stop for a long time. Now when my walker hits an obstacle, I know how to move my walker so that I can carry on "walking" again.

2. Stand on my own

Mummy also noted that I can start to stand on my own on my birthday. But just today, before Mummy went to work, I got crazy again... Hahaha... And keep standing from a squatting position, non stop.... Mummy couldn't help but video taped it down...

3. I am a "Dodo" addict

I am finally a "Dodo" addict according to Mummy and Daddy. Sometimes when I see the pacifier on the table, I will just take it myself and put it into my mouth. Yesterday night, I did something amazing. Mummy placed the pacifier right in the middle of a square table so that I couldn't reach it. Guess what I did? I pushed my toy car, so that it hits the pacifier to the side of the table and I quickly moved there, picked up the pacifier and into my mouth, it goes! Mummy was shocked and thought it could be a coincidence. So she tried it again. And I tried pushing my car again, just that my aiming was bad this time. Hahaha...

All Bundled Up...

It has gotten quite cold in Shanghai this week. In fact, there were some days, the temperature has dropped to as low as as 5 degrees. I am getting more and more bundled up each day. From the skimpy wear of a singlet, shorts and being bare footed during summer, now I wear long-sleeve tees, sweater, jacket, leggings, pants and socks. But honestly, Mummy is amazed that I always remain so warm (my hands and feets are perpetually warm!). Looks like I am adjusting to winter better than all the other adults in the house!!! Hahaha...

Rebecca 姐姐's 3rd Birthday...

It was Rebecca 姐姐's birthday today. She has just turned three. Coincidentally, she is also a November baby. Rebecca 姐姐's mummy is one of Mummy's Singaporean colleague in Shanghai. We have been invited to attend the birthday celebration today... Check this out...

Having bought me my Vtech racing car laptop, Mummy decided to buy Rebecca a similar princessy one. I think R's one is more cool. You see that magic wand? That can be used to write on the touch screen. And you see the shoe on the right? That's actually a mouse!!! Mummy was so amazed at the invention of toys nowadays...

Here's Rebecca and her home made birthday cake. Doesn't she look so pretty???

There was a little story telling time by the teachers from Julia Gabriels (where Rebecca attends school). Look how attentive I was...

A Music Class @ Gymboree...

Daddy and Mummy had been so busy recently that they haven't been spending much time with me. For one, Daddy has been travelling so much for the past 1 month that his colleague is joking with him that he is taking air flights like taking a bus ride. And as for Mummy, she got sucked into a US IPO and the transaction was so messed up, it took forever to resolve. Most of the nights when she comes back, I am usually asleep.

But as yesterday was my birthday, they both decided to spend the day with me. Here are some shots taken in my music class. Teacher Sisi is so impressed with me that I can drum and clap so well... Hahaha...

Happy "One Year Old" Birthday...

Finally, I am ONE year old... As Mummy reminisces the episode on November 15, 2007, she remembers that Daddy has just returned from Shanghai as Mummy was so near to giving birth and so coincidentally, Mummy was sent to the hospital immediately that night (What a close shave! Daddy could have just missed my delivery). The 2 most significant things that Mummy remembered most about my delivery was (1) She had gone to the hospital at 5AM on an empty stomach and Daddy has gone for breakfast, lunch and dinner that day (and Mummy ate nothing!) and I still refused to come out! and (2) the first thing she asked for after her delivery was a can of Coke (so much for Mummy being a coke addict!). And then, finally I am born!!! Mummy would have gone bonkers if she had decided to go natural without epidural. Luckily she made the right choice...

So both Daddy and Mummy gave me their presents for me. Guess what did they buy for me. Coincidentally, they both bought "CARS" for me. But Mummy thinks that her Vtech car serves a dual purpose. It can work as a laptop as well. Mummy hopes that I will give up my interest on hers after I get to have my own cool red racing car laptop. Haha... But Daddy seems to think otherwise. He argues that his car is better, can be mixed and matched into different designs. But Mummy seems to think that Daddy's 老爷车 is nothing but a pool of mess of car parts that is left behind on the floor after I play with it.

So check this out... Whose present do you think is more COOL? Here's another close up of the 2 presents...

Oh yah, I shouldn't forget the other present Mummy got for me. A little playground for me... I finally overcome my fear of being placed into a pool of balls... And another milestone today... I can stand up on my own from a sitting position...

Some more shots with me inside:

Here's some shots of us with MY birthday cake and presents... Me clapping and singing along with the Birthday song and Me making a birthday wish...

Here are the milestones I have reached at 1 year old:

  • Imitates others' activities (Definitely!)
  • Indicates wants with gestures (Always points to stuff now)
  • Takes a few steps (Yupz, still hoping I will walk soon, before I get too bundled up in my winter wear)
  • Says two words besides "mama" and "dada" (Hmmm, "mum mum" and "nei nei" --> means eat and milk... I am such a glutton!!!)

I Have a Potential Girlfriend...

Mummy's best friend, Aunty Michelle is now 5 months' pregnant. At the latest detailed scan, it has been confirmed that she is expecting a baby girl (to Aunty Michelle's delight since she had wanted a baby girl all along). Hmmm, now I might get myself a potential girlfriend... Hurrah... Hahaha...

Walking with My Walker...

Finally. Mummy has waited so long for this. We have brought back Zoe 姐姐's walker from Singapore and Mummy has tried to attract me to use it. However, I was only interested in Winnie the Pooh and his honey pot. Finally this week, I suddenly stood up and used it and now I am walking around the apartment with it. Mummy hopes that I will learn to walk properly soon, before it gets colder. Cos when it gets colder, I will be wearing a lot more clothes and it will be more and more difficult for me to learn to walk properly.

Check out the video on the left (to be uploaded) and see how I am "walking" with my walker

My Winter Loot...

As the weather turns cold, Mummy pulled out all my winter clothing. Checking out what I can still wear of the clothes from my last winter and packing aside those I have outgrown. Here's a bunch of new winter clothing... Hmmm...


It was getting chilly in Shanghai after we returned from Singapore since 2 weeks ago. 婆婆 improvised and made me a Superman coat with my blanket, sealed with a clothes peg... Check this out... Mummy loves to hug me to sleep nowadays. Cos I am always radiating warmth, even my feet and hands. Mummy's just the opposite. When it is really winter, she even had to sleep with socks and gloves... Hahaha...

More photos...