The Shanghai Christmas Story...

Over the last two weekends now, Mummy has brought us out to look at the Christmas lightings in Shanghai, although this is really little compared to what we will see in Singapore when we get back in a few days' time. In preparation for Christmas, Mummy has started teaching me words related to Christmas like Merry Christmas, Christmas tree, Santa Claus, reindeer, Christmas presents, gloves, winter, snowman, snowflakes and of course, most importantly, Jesus... It's really funny cos Mummy has taught me Christmas tree before Merry Christmas. Now whenever Mummy ask me to wish friends Merry Christmas, I would say Merry Christmas tree... Hahhaha...

Here are the lightings at Jiu Guang...

See how bundled up I am with the temperature dipping almost 12 degrees celcius over the past two days. It's -3 to 2 degrees celcius this weekend as the cold front comes past Shanghai. It was freezing cold as we were walking outside, even to take photos. So whilst Mummy planned to bring me to view a few Christmas decorations, we did not manage to accomplish it. This is going to be a cold winter, given that it has gotten this cold in December. But Mummy doesn't seem to think this will be an issue for me, since I was born a winter baby and is not afraid of cold...
Here are the lightings at Plaza 66...