It's an Early Spring....

It seems that it is a really short winter this year. We really have to deal with the cold for only one month, where we had to turn the AC on. In fact, the coldest time was around the Chinese New Year, where it went as low as -5 degrees in Shanghai. However, right after the 15 days of the Chinese New year, temperatures started become much warmer. In fact, there were a few days this week that temperatures in Shanghai reach as high as 23 degrees.

Check out the 桃花 in the gardens below...

Finally, I am allowed to go for my play sessions in the gardens and the playgrounds in the mornings. Check out some pictures Daddy took for me... Daddy even said I was so 大胆 that I started chasing after and attempting to kick the little dogs (defined as smaller than me!) and trying to stroke the bigger dogs (obviously those bigger in size than me!). That really came as a surprise as I was so scared of the 毛毛 carpet that Aunty Fiona has in her apartment, but I wasn't scared of "hairy" dogs??? Daddy and Mummy couldn't figure this out rationally... Hahaha...