Daddy Gave Me a Middle Name

Last weekend, for some reason, Daddy decided that he wanted to give me a nickname Gosh, guess what's the middle name he gave me. It's SELAMAT, the terrorist. The one that fled from detention in Singapore and all thanks to him, all the police and national service people are still combing the jungles, checkpoints and airports for him. Do you know why Daddy calls me Selamat? It's cos he says I am a "terrorist" at home, although the many times that Mummy and Daddy has brought me out, I received countless compliments from all the aunties and uncles that I am very well-behaved. No wailing in public. Hmm, this is my signal to Mummy to bring me out more often. Haha...

Mummy was even more funny. She decided she should give it a rhyme to go with it. It goes like this:

My middle name is Selamat, S-E-L-A-M-A-T.... Hmmm, when we have a chance, we will upload the video of Mummy singing this. Aunty Grace and Elaine (Mummy's Nov 2007 forum friends) think Mummy is getting too bored to have to invent such a rhyme. But I think it's not so bad after all. Haha...

Video to be uploaded...Please stay tuned...