I Am Four Months' Old...

I am four months' old officially today. As part of the traditions usually done at the fourth month, Mummy steamed a chicken drumstick for me to "feast". This is done so that I will not be a fussy eater and will eat everything in the future. But Mummy realises that I am a greedy boy cos the moment she puts the chicken drumstick near my mouth, I started licking it. See how Daddy has caught me in action...

A video Daddy took. It showed me "licking" away at the chicken drumstick. And towards the end of the video, when Mummy moved the chicken drumstick away from my mouth, I actually plunged forward and tried to gulp it up. Haha, so funny...

It's funny how our family photo made it to the Museum. But anyhows, we share our joy with our "visitors".
Daddy bought me a cake to celebrate. It's tiramisu cake. But once again, I don't get to eat it. Hmmm, I am counting down until I turn six months, so that I can start on solids.

These are some milestones that I have achieved so far. Both Daddy and Mummy are so excited to see me grow day by day.
• Smiles, laughs
• Can bear weight on legs
• Coos when you talk to him
• Can grasp a toy
• Imitates sounds: "baba," "dada"

But Mummy thinks these are some of those that I haven't achieved yet:
• Rolls over, from tummy to back - Too difficult for me now since I am wearing thick rompers that covers my feet. Hopefully summer will come soon and I can show off my fair legs (haha after the winter...)
• Cuts first tooth
• May be ready for solid foods - Mummy still insists on no solids for me until 6 months as she is worried that the introduction of solids too early might cause me to have allergies.

Mummy finally got me on a 5 feeds per day schedule and has been successful for the last 3 days. Now I feed 5 times a day, 4 hourly, starting from 7am in the morning and last feed at 11pm and is able to sleep through the night until 7am. Daddy and Mummy were so glad that this morning, I was able to wake up at 830am since it' a Sunday today...