Another Penny for Mummy's Thoughts

It has been a difficult evening. Matt has been fussing since I fed him at 6 plus in the evening till now (it's almost midnight already)... I tried everything I could to pacify him... feed him... change his diaper... carry him... put him to sleep on his tummy... Nothing seems to work. It looked obvious to me he is tired and wants to sleep, but simply refuses to...even when I hold him in his favourite position, close to my heart... He was kicking away...I simply can't figure out why as I could usually calm and smoothe him down that way...And now when I finally got him to sleep and lay him into his little cot and I looked at the clock. It's more than 2 hours since his last feed...ooops, he needs milk again soon...

It's now 3AM. And I have just finished feeding Matt and expressing milk. He slept since midnight and only woke up around 2AM for his feed, after which he went back to sleep immediately. This little rascal must be tired from throwing tantrums the entire evening. This time, I managed to drag the time before his feeds for 4 and 1/2 hours. Now he only wakes up once in the night for feeds, between his last feed and first feed in the morning. Hopefully, soon he will learn to sleep throughout the night.

It's been a daily routine since 15 November 2007, even at the hospital as I insisted on taking care of him myself in the ward. A daily routine of every 2-3 hours to feed him, change his diaper, express milk. Then before you know it, the cycle starts again... Honestly, thank God for the Internet and MSN. If not, I really wonder how I can have some sanity time... I haven't even got time to read the magazines my girlfriends brought last week when they came to visit me, nor time to watch my favourite HK serials.