3 Pennies for Mummy's Thoughts

It's been amazing to see little Matthias grow over time, even if it is barely for one month. During this month, he has learnt to do a lot more than he can when he was first born.

  1. He has learnt to stare at certain things that are bright. Studies have shown that newborn babies are not able to see very much as they are born near-sighted. I realise whenever I put Matt on my lap, facing me, he would start staring. Seems to me he is staring at the picture of a boat that is hung on the wall. And you can really tell he is staring. Cos like Daddy, he seems to be more serious and when he stares, he frowns... Also whenever I carry him near to a window, he likes to stare out of the window, cos it is bright outside...I also like to put him lying on the bed and move my face very close to him, so that he can learn to recognise "Mummy". He stares...
  2. He has learnt to lift his neck and move his head from side to side. Baby websites say that it is important for babies to have tummy time to strengthen his neck musles and push up, roll over, sit up, and crawl. From the tummy times I give him when he is lying on me or on the bed, he has learnt to do this. Check out the photos and the pictures of him in action.
  3. He has learnt to sleep on his tummy. Although studies have shown that this is a more dangerous position for babies to sleep in (due to higher "SIDS", AKA Sudden Infant Death Syndrome), Matt has proved that he is able to sleep in this position and sleep even better.
  4. He has learnt to do flying kicks. As he grows, I realise that he is kicking harder and harder. Sometimes when I put him in my lap, facing me, he seems to want to move and starts kicking me to move. Also, sometimes, when he sleeps and wants to wake up, he starts kicking his legs high up, almost 90 degrees to the bed. Check out the photos I took of him earlier to see how he is kicking his legs.
  5. He has learnt to grab things. As Matt likes to put his hands around his face, it is hard trying to feed him. So I will try to hold his hands away from his face, and he will grab my fingers with his hand. At times, when I hold him close to me, he grabs my T shirt collar or sleeve.

Daddy asked me almost every day on MSN, "so what new thing did Matthias do today?". So I will always tell him stories.

Night times have always been a challenge to take care of Matt. But as I do "trial and error", I realise practices that are good for Matt to drag his sleeping time longer (ie also less feeding during the night).

  1. Putting him to sleep on his tummy. Do this only with caution and start in the day time with adults watching out for his safety.
  2. Feed him a bit more at time. I used to feed him 90ML and then at night, I would give him a bit more (ie 100ML) so that he is more full.
  3. Do the last feed around midnight, so that even if he wakes up, it would be only once during the night and the next feed would be around 7 plus in the morning.

Last night, I am so proud of Matt, as he has slept almost 6 hours straight throughout. I gave him his last feed of 100ML at 11PM and he only woke up around 5AM for a feed. Then went back to sleep and only woke up again slightly after 8AM this morning for his next feed. I hope that in time to come, he will be able to learn to drag feeding intervals longer, especially at night. Jia You...