I Am 19 Months...

It's amazing... Mummy's realized I am suddenly exploding in my growth in terms of learning new things and words at 19 months. She can't wait to return to Singapore when she can start sending me to half day play school to learn more. It's countdown time. We officially have slightly less than one month before we leave for Singapore on July 9, 2009... But honestly, none of us look forward to the hot and humid weather in Singapore.

  1. More words include: truck, clock, half, earth, happy, frog, up, out, grapes, have, owl, towel, cat, out, go, water, wave, baby, oval, cow, 椅子,婆婆

  2. I also know B is for bear

  3. I can imitate the sounds made by a cow, dog and lion

  4. I know how to pick up a set of clean clothes and socks to put onto 婆婆's bed and also the towel to bring to the bathroom every morning when I have my bath

  5. I now pack up my own toys after each play session together with Daddy or Mummy

  6. I love bring my Baby Einstein flashcards to Mummy for her to teach me. And one morning whilst we were doing that, she realized that I could match the words to pick out the correct cards. For example, when Mummy asks me where is the giraffe, I can pick out the card with the picture /word of giraffe. Now I know 3 entire sets of my Baby Einstein cards: Animals, Language and Nature...

  7. Mummy also proceeded to teach me addition with my Glenn Doman flashcards... It's definitely more interesting than just learning the numbers. I always give her a big smile when she does it with me. One plus one equals two... Hahaha...