Names for My Little Sister...

Now that we know Mummy is expecting a little sister for me, we need to start thinking about names... Hmm there are several choices:

  1. Starts with "M" (ie just like me)
  2. Starts with "N" (ie just next to me)
  3. With a set of double letters (ie just like I have a set of double "tt" in my name)

After looking through baby girl names starting with M and N, Mummy didn't find much names that she liked. So she decided on Option 3 above. So now we have a direction... Here are some names (and their meanings) that Mummy is thinking of:

  • Emma (female version of "Emmanuel" which means "I am God")
  • Hannah (Means favored grace, as pictured in the story whereby Hannah was a character in the Old Testament and God blessed her with a son Samuel)
  • Isabella (Means promise of God)

Let's see if Mummy can find any more names in the next weeks...


winn said...

hey Shirley, how about Emmeline! I'd always liked that name! =)